Amber Tabb Story

What is your daily focus, routine or ritual that you practice that starts your day off on the right foot? How do you feel when you wear the NDCQ Gear?
Stay positive and don't worry or stress about things I can't control. I can overcome any obstacle that life throws at me.
What is your biggest NDCQ moment? And/or how does Not Dead Can’t Quit motivate you?
Dealing with postpartum depression and anxiety after my 2nd child was born was extremely difficult for me to fight through. Trying to be the loving, caring mom (like I was after having my 1st child), while having so many uncontrollable thoughts and feelings go against that was the hardest thing I've ever been through. Still, over 5 years later, I deal with depression and anxiety on a daily basis. It is very exhausting and makes life extremely difficult! Every day is a battle, but I'm not giving up and will continue to fight and be the best mom I can be to my girls!
What is your next personal target? Do you feel that having an NDCQ mindset and using the Not Dead Can’t Quit mantra will help you in achieving that target? If no, how can we improve our message?
Being on different medications for depression and anxiety has caused my weight to fluctuate over the years. At the moment, I have about 10-15 pounds I would like to lose. By eating better, drinking more water and not quitting, I can accomplish my goal weight. Doing this will definitely make me feel better about myself, and hopefully help with the depression and anxiety as well.