Alan Muehlenweg Story

Like everyone else, my life has had lots of NDCQ moments. I lost my dad to cancer in 2005. Just 4 months after, my first son was born. After 15 years, my marriage ended in divorce and I subsequently moved from student ministry to teaching and coaching. Since that time, I've gotten remarried to an incredible woman and we have a total of 4 kids. She has 2, plus mine, and then we adopted one of my son's friends who was practically homeless (couch surfing as a 7th grader...).
As long as I am breathing I have a purpose. I get to impact the lives of hundreds of kids each year through coaching, teaching, and getting back involved in ministry. I strive to live a healthy, wellness focused life so I can keep up with it all. Because I'm ND so I CQ.
I have several personal targets: write a book, targeted at helping teachers develop healthy relationships with the students they teach. Hike the Ozark Highland Trail with my oldest. Compete in the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon in 2021. The NDCQ mindset is one that I've held on to for a while (maybe not in those terms exactly), but as I get closer to 40 years old, I realize that I have to live every day intentionally.