Brandon Stafford Story

What is your daily focus, routine or ritual that you practice that starts your day off on the right foot?
I do my Stoic mental exercises. I anticipate potential unfavorable outcomes and how to keep calm if they arise. then I tell myself 3 things I'm grateful for.
What is your biggest NDCQ moment? And/Or how does Not Dead Can’t Quit motivate you?
My dad committed suicide 3 years ago. Two months later, my grandfather died. A month after that, my mom died. Year 30 was a very very hard year and struggle. As I learned to deal with that much grief, I had to learn a new mindset. Not Dead Can't Quit and not take the life I have been given for granted.
What is your next personal target? Do you feel that having an NDCQ mindset and using the Not Dead Can’t Quit mantra will help you in achieving that target?
I just got hired as an assistant GM for a restaurant. With this mindset, I will apply daily and become the GM and then District Manager.