Clint Joffrion Story

What is your daily focus, routine or ritual that you practice that starts your day off on the right foot?
My daily focus is to be better than I was yesterday. Each day is another opportunity for me to be a better husband, father, son, friend, and coworker. Each day is a chance to turn excuses into opportunities. I work in a very competitive sales industry where if you are not self motivated and do not stay on top of your competition, your competition will destroy you.
How do you feel when you wear the NDCQ Gear?
When I wear the NDCQ gear, I feel that I am carrying on the message that Mack started. I became a fan of Mack from the TV show "Future Weapons". I also read his book a few years after it was published which was during a time in my life where I really didn't know where I was headed professionally, and the book helped me become mentally stronger and more purpose driven. I remember being very excited when I purchased my first NDCQ shirt because it served as a reminder that anything is possible as long as you stay in the fight. I was also hoping that by wearing the NDCQ gear I could maybe inspire someone else who happened to see me wearing it. Has that happened? I would like to think so.
What is your biggest NDCQ moment?
I have attached a write up from a GoRuck ( event that I did a few years ago. It was one of the toughest events i have ever been involved in. The highlighted portion represents my NDCQ moment. Quitting is NEVER an option.
And/Or how does Not Dead Can’t Quit motivate you?
NDCQ motivates me because it reminds me of where it originated (from Mack) and everything that he went through to become a Navy Seal. I have never served, but I have always been interested in the Navy Seal training (read every book on the subject and have discussed it with my friend who is a retired Navy Seal) and the mindset that it takes to earn the Trident. It is that mindset, that drives everything that I do in my daily life. The saying also reminds me that as long as I am breathing, I still have a chance and I am still in the fight. This for me has been applied to races that I have run, my daily Crossfit workouts, my daily job, and my family life.
What is your next personal target?
To be in better shape when I turn 40 (3/17/20) than I was before 40. It hasn't always been easy due to my travel for work and having two young kids (3yr old & 8 mo old) but I am back to training on a regular basis. I completed a 1/2 marathon on 1/19/20. This was my first 1/2 since 2014. I would like to finish another marathon as well. I completed my 1st marathon in 2011, but feel that I can do so much better (never satisfied).
Do you feel that having an NDCQ mindset and using the Not Dead Can’t Quit mantra will help you in achieving that target?
Most definitely! NDCQ is with me everyday. It's a simple, yet powerful message. I just hope that more people will adopt the NDCQ mindset and I am happy to help drive that.