Henry Bingham Story

What is your daily focus, routine or ritual that you practice that starts your day off on the right foot?
Making a list of what I want to accomplish for the day & getting outside for at least an hour in the morning to center myself before starting the tasks ahead.
What is your biggest NDCQ moment? And/Or how does Not Dead Can’t Quit motivate you?
I am working really hard to get back into school and every day I remind myself that I need to keep pushing forward to get over the obstacles that keep getting in my way. I tell myself that I do in fact deserve this chance to finish my education & that these obstacles are merely bumps that I can & will get over as long as I keep pushing.
What is your next personal target? Do you feel that having an NDCQ mindset and using the Not Dead Can’t Quit mantra will help you in achieving that target?
Once I am past the barriers for school, my target will be on the classes themselves. Making sure I push myself to do my absolute best. I definitely feel the NDCQ mindset & mantra will be a huge help with reaching that target.